The longest running monthly storytelling course in Chicago, which sold out every month for 10+ years pre-pandemic, is back and in person.

Personal narrative has exploded over the last decade, with showcases, slams, and podcasts surfacing daily. People from all walks of life are taking the stage to share their own stories in front of packed houses across the country. 

In business, solid storytelling is a crucial component in communicating with colleagues, clients, interviewers, and potential donors. It's far from a "soft skill." It's essential.

And who doesn't want to be able to share memorable stories over dinner or drinks with friends and family?

Any questions? Please email me at [email protected]


Class Registration (Sold Out)

All sales are final. Registration may be transferred to another party if the need arises.

(+ $3.50 fee)
Sold Out
Total: $0.00


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